IRS Deals Blow to SALT Deduction Cap Workarounds | Tax Foundation
Industry groups urge fixes for errors in Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Industry groups urge fixes for errors in Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Proposed regulations for additional first-year depreciation deduction will have an impact on construction
Proposed regulations for additional first-year depreciation deduction will have an impact on construction
IRS plans new tax transcript format with better security
IRS plans new tax transcript format with better security
Overhauling the tax overhaul: Here’s what Democrats are planning
Overhauling the tax overhaul: Here’s what Democrats are planning
IRS offers guidance on switching from S corp to C corp status
IRS offers guidance on switching from S corp to C corp status
Make a licensing agreement work for your nonprofit
Licensing your not-for-profit’s name to a for-profit company can provide a valuable new revenue source — but it can also be risky. If you’re considering a licensing arrangement, ensure that the partnership really will generate funds and, possibly more important,… Read More
Business tips for back-to-school time
Late summer and early fall, when so many families have members returning to educational facilities of all shapes and sizes, is also a good time for businesses to creatively step up their business development efforts, whether it’s launching new marketing… Read More
Play your tax cards right with gambling wins and losses
If you gamble, be sure you understand the tax consequences. Both wins and losses can affect your income tax bill. And changes under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) could also have an impact. Wins and taxable income You… Read More
Facebook, Coke could face tax hit after ruling against Medtronic
Facebook, Coke could face tax hit after ruling against Medtronic