Tax Security 101: Tax professionals must use strong passwords, encryption to protect taxpayer data
Second Court Bars IRS from Assessing FBAR “Willful” Penalty in Excess of $100,000
Second Court Bars IRS from Assessing FBAR “Willful” Penalty in Excess of $100,000
IRS counsel nominee briefly advised Trump Organization on taxes
IRS counsel nominee briefly advised Trump Organization on taxes
Get SMART when it comes to setting strategic goals
Strategic planning is key to ensuring every company’s long-term viability, and goal setting is an indispensable step toward fulfilling those plans. Unfortunately, businesses often don’t accomplish their overall strategic plans because they’re unable to fully reach the various goals necessary… Read More
Ninth Circuit reverses Tax Court in loss for Intuit and win for IRS
Ninth Circuit reverses Tax Court in loss for Intuit and win for IRS
U.S. Breaks Up Fake I.R.S. Phone Scam Operation
U.S. Breaks Up Fake I.R.S. Phone Scam Operation
IRS urged to strengthen taxpayer authentication
IRS urged to strengthen taxpayer authentication
The Taxpayer Advocate Service Is Your Voice at the IRS
The Taxpayer Advocate Service Is Your Voice at the IRS
IRS outsources debt collection to private firms, and the poor feel the sting, watchdog charges
IRS outsources debt collection to private firms, and the poor feel the sting, watchdog charges
Why the “kiddie tax” is more dangerous than ever
Once upon a time, some parents and grandparents would attempt to save tax by putting investments in the names of their young children or grandchildren in lower income tax brackets. To discourage such strategies, Congress created the “kiddie” tax back… Read More