7 risks small businesses need to consider http://bit.ly/2KmVGKy
Choosing the best business entity structure post-TCJA
For tax years beginning in 2018 and beyond, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) created a flat 21% federal income tax rate for C corporations. Under prior law, C corporations were taxed at rates as high as 35%. The… Read More
New IRS Ruling Creates Double Whammy for Individual Retirement Accounts Treated as Unclaimed Property
New IRS Ruling Creates Double Whammy for Individual Retirement Accounts Treated as Unclaimed Property | JD Supra http://bit.ly/2tuJnBb
IRS warns about scam calls demanding money, threatening arrest
IRS warns about scam calls demanding money, threatening arrest https://abc7.ws/2MeUi9V
Don’t panic! What to do when you get a letter from the IRS
Don’t panic! What to do when you get a letter from the IRS http://bit.ly/2Kd2g6k
Supreme Court overturns Quill’s physical presence requirement
Supreme Court overturns Quill’s physical presence requirement http://bit.ly/2MgxAhM
Wolters Kluwer adds Cortana voice search to CCH AnswerConnect
Wolters Kluwer adds Cortana voice search to CCH AnswerConnect http://bit.ly/2KioBiC
Detecting and Preventing Expense Reimbursement Fraud
Detecting and Preventing Expense Reimbursement Fraud http://bit.ly/2KfWTDh
Should your nonprofit hold virtual board meetings?
Your not-for-profit’s board of directors meetings don’t always need to be performed up-close and personal in the same room. Many organizations hold virtual board meetings via phone and with Web-based applications. Participation may improve It can be difficult to secure… Read More
US Tax Reform Update: Early Impact and Trends
US Tax Reform Update: Early Impact and Trends | JD Supra http://bit.ly/2ttEaJZ