Many not-for-profits supplement their usual income-producing activities with sponsorships or advertising programs. Although you’re allowed to receive such payments, they’re subject to unrelated business income tax (UBIT) unless the activities are substantially related to your organization’s tax-exempt purpose or qualify… Read More
Cost control takes a total team effort
“That’s just the cost of doing business.” You’ve probably heard this expression many times. It’s true that, to invoke another cliché, you’ve got to spend money to make money. But that doesn’t mean you have to take rising operational costs… Read More
Do you need to adjust your withholding?
If you received a large refund after filing your 2017 income tax return, you’re probably enjoying the influx of cash. But a large refund isn’t all positive. It also means you were essentially giving the government an interest-free loan…. Read More
IRS letter freaking you out? Chill, it’s not necessarily about an audit
IRS letter freaking you out? Chill, it’s not necessarily about an audit
IRS Audit Triggers: 10 Red Flags To Avoid
IRS Audit Triggers: 10 Red Flags To Avoid | Tax Blog
Taxes filed, time to chill? Not so fast, says IRS
Taxes filed, time to chill? Not so fast, says IRS
Why Millennials are a Tax Resolution Gold Mine
Why Millennials are a Tax Resolution Gold Mine | Canopy
N.J. homeowners get law to skirt Trump’s lowered tax deductions
N.J. homeowners get law to skirt Trump’s lowered tax deductions
IRS Audit Techniques Guides provide clues to what may come up if your business is audited
IRS examiners use Audit Techniques Guides (ATGs) to prepare for audits — and so can small business owners. Many ATGs target specific industries, such as construction. Others address issues that frequently arise in audits, such as executive compensation and fringe… Read More
SEC chief accountant warns against mischief in non-GAAP reporting
SEC chief accountant warns against mischief in non-GAAP reporting