Normally when appreciated business assets such as real estate are sold, tax is owed on the appreciation. But there’s a way to defer this tax: a Section 1031 “like kind” exchange. However, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) reduces… Read More
Taxpayers can file returns claiming 4 retroactive tax breaks for energy
Taxpayers can file returns claiming 4 retroactive tax breaks for energy
IRS issues reminder and provides details regarding April 1 RMD deadline
IRS issues reminder and provides details regarding April 1 RMD deadline – Thomson Reuters Tax & Accounting
Middle-Aged Accountants Sue PwC On Age Discrimination
Middle-Aged Accountants Sue PwC On Age Discrimination
Senate Passage of Dodd-Frank Rollback Moves Regulatory Debate to House
Senate Passage of Dodd-Frank Rollback Moves Regulatory Debate to House – Thomson Reuters Tax & Accounting
White House seeks to make personal income tax cut permanent
White House seeks to make personal income tax cut permanent – Thomson Reuters Tax & Accounting
Senate report predicts small businesses will spend more on accountants after tax law
Senate report predicts small businesses will spend more on accountants after tax law
Accounting has evolved: Don’t get left behind
Accounting has evolved: Don’t get left behind | Maryland Association of CPAs (MACPA)
4 new opportunities blockchain could create for auditors
4 new opportunities blockchain could create for auditors
3 myths about tax extensions
3 myths about tax extensions