The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) enhances some tax breaks for businesses while reducing or eliminating others. One break it enhances — temporarily — is bonus depreciation. While most TCJA provisions go into effect for the 2018 tax year,… Read More
Most individual tax rates go down under the TCJA
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) generally reduces individual tax rates for 2018 through 2025. It maintains seven individual income tax brackets but reduces the rates for all brackets except 10% and 35%, which remain the same. It also… Read More
No, you probably shouldn’t rush out and prepay your 2018 property taxes
No, you probably shouldn’t rush out and prepay your 2018 property taxes
NFM TV with Jeff Reinhardt!
We are proud to announce that one of our partners Jeff Reinhardt, CPA, CVA was featured on NFM TV again. The segment focuses on the new tax laws passed by congress recently. How The New Tax Laws Will Affect You –… Read More
Find time for strategic planning
As a business owner, you know that it’s easy to spend nearly every working hour on the multitude of day-to-day tasks and crises that never seem to end. It’s essential to your company’s survival, however, to find time for strategic… Read More
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Key provisions affecting individuals
On December 20, Congress completed passage of the largest federal tax reform law in more than 30 years. Commonly called the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (TCJA), the new law means substantial changes for individual taxpayers. The following is a… Read More
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Key provisions affecting businesses
The recently passed tax reform bill, commonly referred to as the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (TCJA), is the most expansive federal tax legislation since 1986. It includes a multitude of provisions that will have a major impact on businesses…. Read More
President signs tax overhaul into law
President signs tax overhaul into law
All I want for Christmas is…a rabbit onesie?
All I want for Christmas is…a rabbit onesie?
Member retention tips for nonprofits
For-profit businesses understand that it takes a lot more time and money to attract new customers than it does to keep current customers happy. The same can be said for your not-for-profit’s members. But there’s more to retention than cost… Read More