AICPA Comments on New Tax Reform Law
7 steps to choosing a successor for your family business
There’s an old saying regarding family-owned businesses: “Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations.” It means the first-generation owner started in shirtsleeves and built the company up from nothing but, by the third generation, the would-be owner is back in shirtsleeves… Read More
4 tips for not-for-profit accounting staff
4 tips for not-for-profit accounting staff
Keep pets from chewing a hole in your budget
Keep pets from chewing a hole in your budget
Senate passes tax reform bill; House must revote
Senate passes tax reform bill; House must revote
5 cookie recipes for the best holiday ever
5 cookie recipes for the best holiday ever
Bitcoin may burst. You still need to learn about it.
Bitcoin may burst. You still need to learn about it.
401(k) retirement plan contribution limit increases for 2018; most other limits are stagnant
Retirement plan contribution limits are indexed for inflation, but with inflation remaining low, most of the limits remain unchanged for 2018. But one piece of good news for taxpayers who’re already maxing out their contributions is that the 401(k) limit… Read More
IRS issues 2018 standard mileage rates
IRS issues 2018 standard mileage rates
AICPA says tax bill has unintended consequences for some accounting firms
AICPA says tax bill has unintended consequences for some accounting firms