Is Watching Shark Week Deadlier than Actual Sharks?
Rethink Your Not-for-Profit’s Chart of Accounts
Rethink Your Not-for-Profit’s Chart of Accounts
House Passes Mobile Workforce Bill
House Passes Mobile Workforce Bill
AICPA Asks IRS to Modernize Definition of “Patient” to Encompass Individuals Receiving Telemedicine Services
AICPA Asks IRS to Modernize Definition of “Patient” to Encompass Individuals Receiving Telemedicine Services
AICPA Suggests Changes to GAO’s Yellow Book Exposure Draft
AICPA Suggests Changes to GAO’s Yellow Book Exposure Draft
AICPA Supports Senator Thune’s INVEST Act of 2017
AICPA Supports Senator Thune’s INVEST Act of 2017
Nonprofits: Harness the power of the personal appeal
You’ve probably heard it before: People don’t give to causes — they give to those asking on behalf of a cause. That’s why a personal appeal continues to be such a powerful not-for-profit fundraising tool. In fact, requests from friends… Read More
Does your business have too much cash?
From the time a business opens its doors, the owner is told “cash is king.” It may seem to follow that having a very large amount of cash could never be a bad thing. But, the truth is, a company… Read More
3 midyear tax planning strategies for individuals
In the quest to reduce your tax bill, year end planning can only go so far. Tax-saving strategies take time to implement, so review your options now. Here are three strategies that can be more effective if you begin executing… Read More
ESOPs offer businesses tax and other benefits
With an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), employee participants take part ownership of the business through a retirement savings arrangement. Meanwhile, the business and its existing owner(s) can benefit from some potential tax breaks, an extra-motivated workforce and potentially a… Read More