What could stop your company from operating for a day, a month or a year? A flood or fire? Perhaps a key supplier shuts down temporarily or permanently. Or maybe a hacker or technical problem crashes your website or you… Read More
CFOs unsure about letting employees earn CPE during work hours
CFOs unsure about letting employees earn CPE during work hours http://bit.ly/2u9y6bU
IRS plans to show website redesign and tax professional accounts at upcoming forums
IRS plans to show website redesign and tax professional accounts at upcoming forums http://bit.ly/2v9aYr3
What all CPAs should know about elder planning
What all CPAs should know about elder planning http://bit.ly/2uNULrS
3 Reasons to Embrace Cloud-Based Technology
3 Reasons to Embrace Cloud-Based Technology http://bit.ly/2u5aWUj
Own a vacation home? Adjusting rental vs. personal use might save taxes
Now that we’ve hit midsummer, if you own a vacation home that you both rent out and use personally, it’s a good time to review your use of it and the potential tax consequences. From my experience it pays to… Read More
Supreme Court rules on tax-exempt hospitals and church plans
Tax Strategy: Supreme Court rules on tax-exempt hospitals and church plans http://bit.ly/2u07WrX
America’s Yankee Doodle Boy gives us a tax deduction rule
America’s Yankee Doodle Boy gives us a tax deduction rule http://bit.ly/2v3LpHN
3 Reasons Paying Quarterly Estimated Taxes Can Actually Be a Good Thing
3 Reasons Paying Quarterly Estimated Taxes Can Actually Be a Good Thing — The Motley Fool http://bit.ly/2v3Mhfw
All fringe benefits aren’t created equal for tax purposes
According to IRS Publication 5137, Fringe Benefit Guide, a fringe benefit is “a form of pay (including property, services, cash or cash equivalent), in addition to stated pay, for the performance of services.” But the tax treatment of a fringe… Read More