Each year, millions of taxpayers claim an income tax refund. To be sure, receiving a payment from the IRS for a few thousand dollars can be a pleasant influx of cash. But it means you were essentially giving the government… Read More
Choosing between a calendar tax year and a fiscal tax year
Many business owners use a calendar year as their company’s tax year. It’s intuitive and aligns with most owners’ personal returns, making it about as simple as anything involving taxes can be. But for some businesses, choosing a fiscal tax… Read More
Why Playing Games is a Brilliant Move
Why Playing Games is a Brilliant Move http://bit.ly/2qf9yfQ
Fun Fact Friday!: There is a patron saint for Accountants!
St Matthew is the patron saint of accountants, bookkeepers and tax collectors. He was a tax collector in the ancient town of Capernaum.????
Get more from your association’s program budget
Is your not-for-profit association offering enough (or the right) programs to keep members active and engaged? New programs require time, effort and money. So when you commit to developing one, you want to get the biggest bang for your buck…. Read More
Enhance benefits’ perceived value with strong communication
Providing a strong package of benefits is a competitive imperative in today’s business world. Like many employers, you’ve probably worked hard to put together a solid menu of offerings to your staff. Unfortunately, many employees don’t perceive the full value… Read More
Now’s a great time to purge old tax records
Whether you filed your 2016 tax return by the April 18 deadline or you filed for an extension, you may be overwhelmed by the amount of documentation involved. While you need to hold on to all of your 2016 tax… Read More
Do you know the tax implications of your C corp.’s buy-sell agreement?
Private companies with more than one owner should have a buy-sell agreement to spell out how ownership shares will change hands should an owner depart. For businesses structured as C corporations, the agreements also have significant tax implications that are… Read More
How can you take customer service to the next level?
Just about every business intends to provide world-class customer service. And though many claim their customer service is exceptional, very few can back up that assertion. After all, once a company has established a baseline level of success in interacting… Read More